
a bio and 2oo facts ...about me, about tonight

about me:

* nick name: thya
* age: 2o-something
* o2.23
* star sign: pisces
* hair color: brown
* eye color: dark brown
* height: medium


* music: deftones, nickelback, saliva, creed, bjork, weezer, nina gordon, the cure, ani difranco, staind, pod, inxs, incubus, red hot chili peppers, erasure, new order, stavescare, lenny kravitz, tool, depeche mode, starflyer59, metallica, bush, u2, hooverphonic, nirvana, shakira, journey, pearl jam & live
* color: burgundy, blue & black
* food: chinese & mexican
* drink: sprite & dr. pepper
* actor/actress: david duchovny / kate winslet
* movie: a thin red line, the truman show, being john malkovich, fight club, pulp fiction, terms of endearment, titanic, the matrix, princess mononoke, shrek, charlotte's web, the land before time, monster's inc., chasing amy, house of yes, airforce one, the crow, lost highway, the evil dead & nightmare on elm street
* authors: God, e.a. poe, s. king, anne rice, d. koontz, shakespeare & j. grisham
* tv show: x.files & roswell
* animal: dogs

my personality [general]:

* extrovert or introvert: introvert
* are you confident: no
* do you like yourself? no
* are you popular? no
* are you good academically? i was
* what do you have a really good knowledge of? ubi (useless bit of information)
* are you good at games which rely on intellect? sometimes
* fictional character you are most like: daria
* things friends say to you the most: "i need..."
* can you speak another language? yes

my personality [specific]:

* are you moody? 80% of the time
* use five words to describe what you feel inside: empty, ugly, useless, fat & lost (gee, im not having a good month)
* do people know how you feel? the ones that matter do
* what would you change about your personality? be a more "up" person
* are you perceived wrongly? yeah -my face deceives me
* worst fault: i "feel" too much

and now, with a twist... for further amusement (on my part, of course) --

2oo facts [& ramblings]...about me::

oo1 -its 103a
oo2 -surprisingly, its not cold
oo3 -my best friend Jw is doing this with me
oo4 -random ICQ users are bugging the hell out of me
oo5 -my lips are dry
oo6 -im thirsty
oo7 -im off tomorrow
oo8 -but i wont sleep
oo9 -because my fan died
o1o -and i need it to sleep
o11 -i love to sleep
o12 -but i think i snore
o13 -do you care if i snore?
o14 -i care if you snore, cos i wont sleep
o15 -im mean
o16 -i used to be meaner
o17 -now im nicer
o18 -and thats not good
o19 -but i quit trying to be "good"
o2o -im a dork and i waste oxygen
o21 -but at least i dont smoke
o22 -and i dont waste other peoples oxygen
o23 -no offense "smokers", 95% of my family smokes
o24 -oo, Jw is thirsty too
o25 -i wonder what he got to drink, i got milk
o26 -it will probably give me heartburn
o27 -i always get heartburn
o28 -ok, drinking the milk is making me cold
o29 -i have to remember to take my gloves with me in the morning
o3o -i love my car
o31 -its my freedom
o32 -but have 2 more years to pay it off... thats no 'freedom'
o33 -Jw is ahead of me in this questionnaire
o34 -and i started it before him, lol
o35 -Jw is my best friend, he and i are married in a parallel universe
o36 -maybe one day it will collide
o37 -that kinda collison would be good
o38 -cars colliding suck. i dont wanna collide with a car again, nope
o39 -im kinda hungry but i dont wanna eat
o4o -i had the new 3D chips by ruffles? @ the pta meeting tonight (they were OK)
o41 -the principal looked really handsome tonight
o42 -his 1st name is my brother's 1st name & his last name is his best friends last name. cool combo.
o43 -did that make sense?
o44 -his best friend's dad is gay. she found out just a few years ago. yikes! they stayed together for the "girls".
o45 -im glad my parents didnt stay together for us
o46 -yeah it sucked being fatherless, but it would have been worse
o47 -now the asshole has 3 'new' kids...good luck to him and his child bride
o48 -no wonder i have anger issues
o49 -fuck issues, anger feels good...lets the stress out
o5o -my little brother will be less stressed now
o51 -my middle brother is coming back home
o52 -i wish i could find my other 2 brothers
o53 -i remember them
o54 -i miss my cousin too
o55 -but she is an idiot
o56 -so she can stay where she is
o57 -i miss my family in new jersey
o58 -o well
o59 -Jw is on 109, he will 'brb'
o6o -this stupid message just came up "Hi there thya my name is mellissa i was looking on whitepages for similiar interests and your UIN 34875610 came up. I would like to chat with you but i dont like ICQ much. Come to my webcam site we can chat there and you can see what i look like :) heres the site"
o62 -whatever. i just use ICQ for Jw & my brothers.
o63 -i havent returned S's "70s lovesongs"
o64 -or the other 2 CDs that are on my dresser ...hmm
o65 -i dont know what i was thinking that night
o66 -oo yeah, i got this from tainted-lust
o67 -and she got it from claire
o68 -and now Jw got it from me
o69 -how fun is this?
o7o -i needed something 'fun' to do
o71 -'fun' is not my friend right now
o72 -its ok, im not complaining
o73 -im feeling so very low and that is alright
o74 -im here with my best friend, the kiddo is in bed & they are all ok
o75 -i could die tonight
o76 -no i couldnt, i havent thrown certain things away
o77 -and i havent corrected my will
o78- strike no.75
o79 -2 people that i know granny's have passed away since the new year
o8o -its so very sad. i cried today for them. but i was also envious.
o81 -my face blushes easily
o82 -im either blushing or i have a fever
o83 -either way, i hate a red face
o84 -i dont like the color red
o85 -red dye in medicine makes kids hyper
o86 -lol
o87 -shit, my hands are getting cold now.. here come the typo's
o88 -maybe it was the milk
o89 -nah
o90 -i just realized i have to put <{br}> tags on all these
o91 -its too late now
o92 -my feet are cold now too
o93 -strike no.002
o94 -they didnt show roswell tonight
o95 -but they showed buffy. kiddo loves buffy. they showed the episode where she dies & kiddo cried. it touched her. poor kid.
o96 -i think report cards are coming up soon
o97 -i know taas is coming up...
o98 -im glad im over school
o99 -im glad im not one of those who wish "i could do it all over again". hell no.
1oo -Jw is at 15o
1o1 -i have to pee, but dont wanna get up
1o2 -im really not lazy
1o3 -my blader is used to it
1o4 -but im sure noone wants to read about my bladder
1o5 -'cept for Jw. he loooves me
1o6 -so he loves my bladder too
1o7 -brb
1o8 -*im back* ((ahhh...)) too much bladder talk.
1o9 -wow, its 150a
11o -i got paid today, yeay!
111 -after bills, i got $82 left. boooo
112 -i work on my kinda sucks
113 -its not until next month, so we will see
114 -boo
115 -aunt flo hasnt come
116 -koenig is sexy
117 -where did that come from?!?
118 -im going to LA next month, details are sketchy
119 -i dont wanna fly, but i have to
12o -...just for the weekend
121 -i wont like the company, but i dont have much choice
122 -only 78 more to go
123 -1*2*3
124 -i cant wait for february 2nd...02-02-02
125 -my eyes are getting sleepy
126 -maybe its this dull baby-blue color for 'addentry'
127 -Jw is done--i am not
128 -obviously
129 -ok, im all warm again
13o -maybe its hot flashes
131 -ooo, Jw just noticed the HTML tags
132 -jjajajjaaaaa
133 -no, you are not an idiot
134 -mmua
135 -yeah, i know im cheating
136 -im a lotta things
137 -im a mom
138 -im a sister
139 -im a daughter
14o -im a hard worker
141 -im compassionate
142 -im a thinker
143 -im a lover
144 -im hard-headed
145 -im a ticking bomb
146 -thats the time kiddo was born
147 -geez, i was in labor with her for over 40 hours
148 -and the bastards still wanted to induce a vaginal birth
149 -no, im not holding a grudge to dr. williams
15o -bitch
151 -i really dont cuss that much
152 -just when im mad
153 -in middle school, i wouldnt say i was a 'holy' roller, but i didnt use God's name in vain...
154 -i wonder what happened to that little girl
155 -genevive committed suicide in middle school
156 -she had hairy eyebrows, but she was beautiful
157 -she was a 'tomboy' and everyone speculates that it was because of her boyfriend
158 -i doubt that
159 -i still remember seeing her in her casket. they put make-up on her. a tomboy. we called her 'jenny'
16o -thats around the time i quit biting my nails
161 -i owe it to carmelita. thank you carmelita.
162 -if i wore a man's cologne would that be wrong?
163 -i love D&G and i got some & i put it on
164 -i smell good
165 -i guess its ok as long as i dont turn myself on
166 -that would be a mute point
167 -no other cologne has done it for me since fahrenheit. yeayy ian.
168 -a patient wore fahrenheit the other day. it was weird.
169 -a 14 year old had an abcess on his testicle.
17o -that was painful. we drained it
171 -yeah, i figure i should stop there before i gross someone out.
172 -ha
173 -yeayyyyy the 70s
174 -i love the 70s. the music was ok
175 -i am a child of the 70s
176 -Ra is a child of the 70s as well
177 -ok, Jw is posted & taking a bathroom break
178 -im jealous.
179 -he is back. he pees fast
18o -i pee fast too
181 -i bet noone wanted to know that
182 -but Jw knows that
183 -:)
184 -i love the 80s too
185 -Jw is from the 80s
186 -we came to the US in the 80s
187 -Di is from the 80s
188 -i wish it would rain tomorrow
189 -maybe i can sleep then
19o -tomorrow is today
191 -i like wednesdays
192 -kiddo was born in 92
193 -the 90s were good for us too
194 -i cant believe the end is near
195 -it only took 2 hours. ha!
196 -cos im noone
197 -but i have things to say
198 -just like these
199 -in fragments, to be forgotten one day
2oo -fin

for further 'about me' entries:

* 5things: [ 10.29.01 ]
* 4things: [ 11.08.01 ]
* 39things: [ 11.12.01 ]
* personality disorder: [ 12.20.01 ]
* another4: [ 03.22.02 ]
* another5: [ 04.06.02 ]
* colorgenics & quiz: [ 04.15.02 ]

12:18 am - 2002-01-16


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