
another 5 things:

since my mom's hubby's clan is back again...they all went out to lunch and i am freeeeeeeeee. hehe, they took kiddo, so i was reading my favs and found this [another 5 survey type thing]...and took it from holly

15 Years Ago, I...
* was 12 years old
* i hated my brothers
* i was madly in love with victor
* my parents bought a big-ass beige station wagon
* i had frizzy hair

10 Years Ago, I...
* was 17
* i was pregnant with kiddo
* my parents got a divorce
* i was a junior in high school
* i had beautiful, long hair

5 Years Ago, I...
* was 22 years old
* i was still trying to get over my 1st true love of my life
* i lived in a shitty apartment, but it was close to work and we were happy
* kiddo started private school
* i became lutheran

2 Years Ago, I...
* was 25 years old
* i met my best friend james
* i had major surgery
* i started collecting rock memorabilia
* found out how to use my ZIP to its full potential, hehe

1 Year Ago, I...
* was 26 years old
* i was scared for human kind after 9.11.01. my brother, daughter and i will never be the same
* i cut off all my hair
* i moved back in with my mother
* i made peace with several family members

Yesterday, I...
* cleaned up my room
* actually got off at 5 o'clock
* ate some fajitas
* curled my kiddo's hair
* put in order my smooshed penny collection

Today, I...
* woke up to a bad dream
* do not know where my mother is
* opened my windows and am airing out my room
* am listening to my kid and her friends play outside
* made too many journal entries, hehe

Tomorrow, I...
* will go get me some DVDs
* will go get a haircut
* will go to my boss's house because his internet is still shit
* will do laundry
* will watch episode #7 of the x.files [before its over]

Five Items I Have Brand Loyalty To:
* coca-cola products
* hp
* nike
* crest [uniforms]
* what-a-burger

Five Snacks I Enjoy:
* snickers
* chips
* chocolate
* carrots
* ice-cream

Five Songs I Know all the Words to, Even Without the Music:
* disintegration [the cure]
* blue dress [depeche mode]
* pink maggit [deftones]
* wish you were here [incubus]
* synapse [bush]

Five Games I Like:
* monopoly
* solitaire
* chancha
* battleship
* online billiards

Five Books that Moved Me:
* the bible still continues to amaze me and scare me
* a separate peace [by john knowles]
* insomnia [by stephen king]
* david copperfield [by charles dickens]
* the sleeping beauty trilogy [anne rice]

Five Things I Would Buy With $1000:
* a new PC
* a trip to france
* a spa vacation [for one week]
* a new wardrobe for kiddo and i
* a big screen TV

My Top Five Guilty Pleasures:
* watching people cringe [when they've been caught doing something wrong]
* chatting with friends online
* horror movies
* pecan pie
* a good night's sleep

Top Five Musicians Lately (aka the last 5 CDs in the CD player):
* "nightmare before christmas" soundtrack

Top Five Locations I'd Like to Run Away To:
* hawaii
* north dakota
* arizona
* canada
* oregon

Five Bad Habits I Have:
* bite the inside of my lips
* i cuss when im mad...grr
* moody in the mornings
* i HATE to shave
* i cry too much

Five Things I Would Never Wear:
* thongs
* full makeup ['cept for lipstick]
* a short dress
* pink
* anything that causes attention, hehe

Five T.V. Shows I Like:
* the x.files
* that 70s show
* the simpsons
* the drew carrey show

Five Places I've Lived:
* managua, nicaragua
* houston, texas [and in this city, like 4-5 different sides of town]

My Five Biggest Worries At the Moment:
* money
* family
* job
* friends
* weight

My Five Biggest Joys at the Moment:
* my kiddo
* family
* friends
* truck
* you

3:02 p.m. - 2002-04-06


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