
from the lips of an angel

my daughter knows me way too well.

for weeks now, i have kept in silence. what she didnt know is that everytime her boyfriend comes over.. and holds her hand and kisses her cheeks, and cuddles with her on the sofa.. it breaks my heart. i dont show it and the kid is nice, i like him. they hate being away from each other and are as affectionate as 2 kids can be.. they are honest about their feelings and he is even looking into colleges in Massachusetts.. because thats where she will most likely go. (he graduates a year early.. but if she graduates a year early they will both graduate at the same time).. but anyways...

they are in love. it may be puppy love, or it may the real thing.. but they are IN IT.

so we are having dinner out tonight cos i came home late from running errands and she wanted to have a "talk". most of it was about Thomas, some miscellaneous stuff and the rest about her and Ewy. she says that she feels bad sometimes that he comes over so much and that they are together and that i have noone.

noone to be affectionate with me.
noone to hold my hand.
noone to interact with. (cos she knows how important it is now to have that certain someone listen to you about your crappy day).
noone to tell me that they love me on a daily basis (besides herself)

so she feels for me.
i almost started bawling right then and there cos i have BEEN FEELING THOSE VERY THINGS.

dammit i hate being a girl.
and i hate it that my daughter knows me so well.

she told me she loved me so many times tonight..
and reminded me of how much i need HER.

this kid is amazing. i dont deserve her.

11:04 pm - 2007-05-17


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