
one down.. 1/2 sh*tload to go....

my brother asked me and i couldnt lie. cos see, it was OK as long as noone asked me, cos i wouldnt have been with-holding information from them.. but if it was just a "thing" noone remembered or cared to follow-up on, then that'd not make me the bad guy. so yeah.. what i am trying to say is that i told Douglas. he didnt get mad, he is concerned and glad to know that i will be OK. his brain is still "digesting" it and he cant promise not telling my mom, so he said to tell her quick. dumb boy. he has diarrhea of the mouth just like all the women in my family. he choked an "i love you", apologized if it sounded insincere... but we know we love each other even if we show it differently. so shit... that means that soon my mom will know and then probably Ricky and then Jessica. all this stress before my birthday. i just dont know.

and in an unrelated note.. there was this ONE guy left at the gym that i kinda liked. i say "liked' because he was the ONLY man that had hit on me since joining the gym that WASNT married and i found out last night that he DOES indeed have a girlfriend... who is married herself, with 3 kids.. the husband is an unemployed alcoholic, etc.. etc. but now he is more than happy to set me up with a buddy of his. and i said "no thank you". it made me really sad though.

6:53 pm - 2007-02-07


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